Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Abridged "Borderbuster" 9/7/04

In case you haven't already signed up for "Borderbuster," the following is an abridged version along with sign up information. Feel free to email me if I can be of assistance. Thanks and I welcome a chance to hear from you! All the best, Laurel (ldelaney@globetrade.com).

Borderbuster Monthly E-Newsletter (No. 34): September 7, 2004
Distributed by GlobeTrade.com and Designed To Help Entrepreneurs, Small Businesses, Activists, Futurists, Academics, Executives and Corporate Risk-Takers Go Global.

We encourage you to forward this issue! Subscribe FREE!
Subscribe to “Borderbuster” -- It’s FREE!


1. Welcome From The Publisher
2. Feedback From Our Readers
3. World of Investing: Asia Sprints as West Ambles*
4. Business Cultural Tips: Have Some Fun!*
5. Outsourcing Is Not A Dirty Word*
6. How I Went Global: Ongoing Series // Asiapreneur.com*
7. A Reader Asks: Q&A*
8. Everybody Loves a Freebie -- repeat: FREE OFFER*
9. Maverick Trades In Japan’s Aging Business Model*
10. The Four Options Facing Eric Molson*
11. Dubai’s New Export: The Internet City*
12. Arizona Builds Ties to China*
13. Watch for Laurel’s New e-Book: “Godzilla Global Marketing”*
14. Take A Walk On The Wild Side (TAWOTWS)*
15. Wind Behind Your Sail*
16. Miscellany*
*Subscriber Exclusive*

Returning from my latest trip to Asia, I'm both exhilarated and perplexed. Exhilarated because Asia is booming, and it's a joy to see. Thailand, my main stop this time, is growing at 7 percent a year, twice as fast as the United States and about four times as fast as Europe.

To read the complete article, visit the International Herald Tribune online:
World of Investing
*Subscriber Exclusive*

Enjoy. And remember, there is no such thing as a universal attitude. These are just guidelines so when in doubt, ask while visiting a foreign country.

• In North American homes, bathroom doors are customarily left partially open. That way, we know it is not occupied.

• In European homes, bathroom doors are customarily kept closed. Therefore, in European homes, always knock on the door first.

• In Mexico, you should avoid rapping on a door with the often-used “dum-de-de-dum-dum … dum-dum” (or rapping to the old musical phrase “Shave and a haircut, two bits.”) This particular series of beats in Mexico carriers a very crude and rude message.

Source: “Gestures: The Do’s and Taboos of Body Language Around the World,” by Roger E. Axtell.
*Subscriber Exclusive*

The debate about offshore outsourcing of high-paid U.S. jobs has little bearing on the daily concerns of most small business owners. They simply want to balance their books, make payroll and stay focused on customers.

Few small companies outsource their business processes to offshore service providers from India or elsewhere, says Gartner analyst Robert Brown. Yet, he says, a thriving industry of regional U.S. firms has grown up to offer outsourced support to small businesses.

To read the full, interesting article, visit Investor’s Business Daily:
Outsourcing Is Not A Dirty Word
6. HOW I WENT GLOBAL: ONGOING SERIES* -- Asiapreneur.com
*Subscriber Exclusive*

Five Tips to Grow Your Business Globally
by Wayne Po

Entering into global markets is a great way to organically grow your business. However, many small to mid-sized businesses have a hard time entering global markets, if they even venture to go global at all. Here are five tips for businesses looking to expand their business by entering global markets:

1. Revise your pricing strategy to suit local purchasing power. I like using this example: Microsoft is having a difficult time getting Mainland Chinese computer users to use their operating system and Office products. Why? …

-> Got a story to share? We’d love to hear from you. Email info@globetrade.com (mailto:info@globetrade.com) and put “Got a story” in the subject line and then let us know what you have in mind. We cannot guarantee your tale will be published, but we’ll do our best!
*Subscriber Exclusive*

Q: Dear GlobeTrade Team,

I recently read about a new technology -- web-based conferences -- which enables you to attend live events right from your own desktop location. Have you ever heard of this or used it? It just seems with the ambitious work you do that a Webinar focused on how to go global would be ideal for your readers. Let me know. I am eager to learn more.

A: Funny you should ask. We are in the process of developing our very first Webinar series using the excellent technology of Catwalk Conferencing (www.catwalkconference.com). On November 2nd, we plan to offer an intensive one-hour workshop on “What It Takes To Sell To The World.”

If you want to become your own global marketing expert without any experience, thrust into a global marketing job and don't want your rusty skills to show, or have an assistant you want to train quickly to handle international leads – then this is the virtual workshop for you.

Date: November 2, 2004
Time: 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. CST (U.S.A.) -- 40 minute workshop and 20 minute Q&A.
Registration: Sign Up Here For “What It Takes To Sell To The World” Webinar 11/2/04!

Fee: U.S. $50 per person for the first 100 who sign up and U.S. $60 per person thereafter. We accept the following credit cards: VISA, Mastercard and Discover.

In this unique, highly interactive workshop, you will learn how to:

• Develop a global mindset
• Build a website and blogger
• Find and solicit foreign customers
• Set up international pricing
• Manage transportation
• Collect payment

Hands-on training along with detailed feedback from Laurel Delaney gets you quickly up to speed with global marketing.

Save the November 2nd date. We will provide additional information in our October 5 edition but I suggest you Sign Up Now!
to reserve your virtual seat. We hope to have you on board in November!

Laurel and the GlobeTrade.com team

-> Got a question or a comment? Good. Send it here: info@globetrade.com (mailto:info@globetrade.com).
*Subscriber Exclusive*

Hot off the press (9/3/04) and published by GlobeTrade.com, the new resource guide, “The World Is Your Market: Small Businesses Gear Up For Globalization,” can be downloaded for FREE at GlobeTrade.com
The guide provides a detailed analysis of the state of small businesses engaged in international trade.

Read Press Release Here

Download Guide Here
*Subscriber Exclusive*

For Americans, the eye-popping statistics are startling, the made-in-China labels hard to ignore. But the view from the western bank of the muddy Huangpu River in China's largest city really drives home the scope of the economic juggernaut reshaping China and the world. A hodgepodge of glistening skyscrapers, including the world's fourth-tallest building, soars above the eastern riverfront and beyond.

To read the complete article, visit The Arizona Republic online edition:
Arizona Builds Ties To China
Copyright 2001-2004 by Global TradeSource, Ltd. All rights reserved.

• Reporters looking for a quick authoritative quote, background source or expert comment for a story, article, radio program or television show? We’ll be glad to help. Run out of story ideas? We can pitch in there too. Email ldelaney@globetrade.com (mailto:ldelaney@globetrade.com) or call 773-381-1700.

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