Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Leading In A Global World

In LeaderValues

Globalization is a driving force in business today and its consequences are the subject of much debate. Yet, despite its increasing impact on every aspect of organizational effectiveness, I wonder if most leaders have really confronted its consequences in terms of leadership skills and mindsets.

Global means more than just sourcing or selling in foreign markets.  It means recognizing that as we become more interconnected and interdependent, the basic processes of leadership and management must evolve to keep pace with the changing marketplace.  It means that leaders need not just to “go global” but to “think global.”

Read the entire article here.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for weighing in Angelika. To learn more about the ways in which globalization impacts us all, you might enjoy reading Thomas Friedman's bestseller "The World Is Flat." He offers a new way to look at the world and what the future holds for all of us.

    And the impact China has had on our U.S. economy is not all bad. Quite the opposite. For example, China has become one of the fastest growing markets for U.S. farm products, with exports tripling from U.S. $1.7 billion to $6.1 billion in 2004.

    Further, U.S. affiliates of U.S. companies doing business in China sold more than U.S. $75 billion worth of products to Chinese consumers and businesses.

    China's success creates new wealth for all of us. We just need to figure out how to be more entrepreneurial -- tap into it -- and reap the rewards.

