Monday, January 29, 2007

Is The World Your Market?

In the interconnected world of the 21st century, the globalization of commerce is a reality. From shoes to conveyor belts, computer chips to automobiles, countries around the world annually exchange more than $9 trillion of merchandise, according to the World Trade Organization. Global trade has become an economic necessity for the developed countries of the world. Find out how a property corporation is leveraging globalization and why you can too. Look at it like a mini case study.

Note: The link may not work due to being removed, a name change, or merely temporarily unavailable.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Global CEOs Business Confidence ...

... reaches record levels thanks to globalization. Read more here and find out which countries are poised for the most growth.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Love Goes Global

It's never too early to be thinking about how to go global and what can go global!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Monday, January 22, 2007

Global Transportation

If you are charged with evaluating transportation security decisions or are interested in learning how improved security processes can create value across all the business functions throughout an entire value chain, then read this book.  The authors also look ahead on future developments and best practices for the future.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Global Sourcing Checklist

If you are considering sourcing a product overseas, this is a good article to read. It covers ten tips to help you get started. You'll have the whole world in your hands.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Doing Business in Dubai

Digital Vision/Thinkstock
I am really excited over the opportunity to speak March 8 at the WOIBEX: 9th Global Businesswomen and Leader's Forum in Dubai. Before I make my way there, I am learning as much as I can about this great city -- where there is a lot of ground-breaking work taking place.

And while researching, who do I see blogging about his recent trip to Dubai and other fabulous places the world has to offer? The master of global management, Tom Peters. Check it out. You'll learn what works, what doesn't work, or hold up for that matter, on international travels.

Links sometimes don't work.  Try this one if the one above is broken.

Friday, January 12, 2007

International Business Travel Tips

Ingram Publishing/Thinkstock
Global small business owners know face-to-face meetings with international customers help cement quality business relationships -- and the practical aspects of international business travel can make or break a trip.

You can start planning your overseas trip from home on the Internet -- and the sooner the better.

Read more:  International Business Travel Tips

Thursday, January 11, 2007

BIG Businesses in Denmark Just Got Busted By The Little Guys!

Read the clip here.
Voxted said that the study should prompt politicians to focus on smaller business's competitive power, instead of writing them off as a part of the Danish business structure under development.'The study shows the relationship to be just the opposite,' said Voxted.
Visit the school where the study was conducted.

Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find the study in English but if you do, please pass it along because whatever is going on in Denmark applies to the United States too.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Global Entrepreneurship Monitor

Ingram Publishing/Thinkstock
Start-ups fell in Ireland, Europe and US in 2006 but China powers on.

Entrepreneurial behavior continues to fuel the engine of innovation and growth around the world; and middle income countries boast higher levels of start-up entrepreneurial activity according to the eighth annual Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM).

Irish and US desire for starting businesses waned last year but the emerging economies of Asia and South America showed a rise in entrepreneurial activity, according to the report.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

5 Ways to Find New (or Hidden) Global Markets

In 2007, what is your global strategy? Your answer is a decision that reflects an analysis of market potential, company capabilities, and the degree of marketing involvement and commitment your management team is prepared to make ...

Friday, January 05, 2007

Meme (Global) Madness

We have been "tagged" and never one to let anyone down, here's our response:

1. What have you learned so far from visitors to your blog?

We all want to make a difference in our brave new world. When I created The Global Small Business Blog in 2004, I wanted to fearlessly make a mark with helping entrepreneurs and small business go global. Since then, we are turning the world upside down, not flattening it, with our constant offering of practical information and knowledge to help you go global.

Borderbuster readers weigh-in only when a post resonates with them and many of them prefer to email me personally rather than post on our blog. They enjoy a private conversation versus chatting with the world. And that’s okay because we absolutely love hearing from global enthusiasts because they tell us what really matters. Plus, they make our world go round.

2. If someone would offer to pay for a course (or more) for you, what would that course be?

First, here's what we do. We offer management consulting and marketing solutions designed to help entrepreneurs and small businesses go global.

So the course we offer preps you to take on the world. It typically involves the founder or President of a U.S. $1 to 10 million manufacturing firm who is stuck on how to generate additional revenue growth for his/her company without spending a lot of money. We help people get unstuck, focused and ready to conduct business all over the planet. We assist you in all aspects of running a global business -- from finding customers to keeping them, from shipping products to getting paid, from learning about a different culture to becoming a true global netizen. We share our passion for what's possible. To learn more about what takes place, email (see right sidebar) or call 773-381-1700. We’re not shy about promoting what we do because we feel being bold is beautiful and should be borderless! Sounds like a good mantra for 2007:

Be bold! Be beautiful! Be borderless!

3. Are you satisfied with what you've achieved in 2006, in general?

No way! Life is an endless stream of continuous improvements and you have to have the discipline to pursue everything. We have much to accomplish in 2007 from writing another book to redesigning our logo for to redesigning The Global Small Business Blog (with plans to include five key global companies to receive our seal of approval for helping entrepreneurs and small businesses go global). All with the intention of doing a better job to satisfy or exceed expectations for our clients.

Oh, and did I mention that we will create YouTube and SecondLife videos on how to bust-a-border in less than a minute? Watch for them!

4. Has blogging changed your life or your personality in any way?

Yes – blogging makes me work smarter at being a better person (and here I thought being married did that!) and ever-more committed to bringing the best possible knowledge on global business to Borderbuster readers.

5. If you had the opportunity to meet one person that you admire the most in the world, who would that person be?

That is a really tough question because if you leave out the words “to meet” and substitute “to chat with” it would be my Mom, Dad or husband. They have always been -- and continue to be -- intelligent, thoughtful and good sounding boards.

In addition to those three, it would be Sandra Day O’Connor or Alan Greenspan. Both are leading authorities in their respective fields and smart as whips. But I suppose if I had to choose, it would be Sandra. There’s something about Sandra that reminds me of my Mom … and that can only be a good thing.

And now I will tag five people to answer these same questions on their blog: Marsha Firestone at WPO, Ann Handley at MarketingProfs, Seth Godin, Tom Peters, and Bob Marovich.

Abridged Borderbuster: 1/5/07



If you are not a subscriber to Borderbuster, here's a glimpse of what you missed this month:

1. Welcome From The Publisher

2. Special Note To Our Readers

3. Taking Kim’s Toys Away*

4. Business and Cultural Tips: Have Some Fun!*

5. Unblocking Trade*

6. How I Went Global: Ongoing Series // MasterCard

7. A Reader Asks: Q&A*

8. Everybody Loves a Freebie -- repeat: FREE OFFER*

9. Discover Goes to China*

10. Broken Bridges*

11. International Expansion*

12. Blog World: Christmas Trees & More*

13. Laurel’s e-Book: “GODZILLA Global Marketing!”

14. Take A Walk On The Wild Side (TAWOTWS)

15. Wind Behind Your Sail*

16. Miscellany*


*Indicates exclusive to Borderbuster subscribers only.

Sample section:


*Subscriber Exclusive*

Do entrepreneurs really benefit from freer trade?

To read the article, visit:

(Remember, inaction is the worst kind of failure.)


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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

We (Suddenly) Live In a Truly Global World

As the article states, global trade is not new. Read more here.

And may you bust many borders in 2007!