Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Exporting to India Gets a Whole Lot Easier

The Commercial Service's Trade Information Center (TIC) has a established a new business information center for India. It will help U.S. companies take advantage of emerging market opportunities and the fast-growing purchasing power of the middle class in India.

A Web portal contains up-to-date information about doing business in India. They have a toll-free number 800-USA-TRAD(e) for counseling and are taking the initiative to raise awareness of opportunities in India for U.S. businesses.

Have you been waffling over whether to look at India for new business? Well now is your chance to get on board! Contact Abdul.Shaikh(at)mail.doc.gov if you require personalized assistance.


  1. Great information! India is really emerging as a hotspot destination for offshore investments.

  2. An interesting article.
    Nice to see your blog.

  3. Anonymous2:21 PM

    You should go there yourself before making an investment.
