Friday, February 27, 2009

50 Stunning Photos To Liberate Your Global Mindset

Sometimes you have to step away to see the innovative forest through the trees.

We give you a chance to do just that -- kick back, awake feelings, put a smile on your face and remember the niceties that life has to offer -- here.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pros and Cons of Operating in China

Yes, you can enjoy the advantages of cheaper material costs and labor wages and a vast consumer market reach in China but what about quality control and other issues such as IP protection that come into play?

Read more here.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Entrepreneurs Lead The World Into the Future

In case you missed it, The Wall Street Journal published an opinion piece yesterday (2/24) by Messrs. Tom Hayes and Michael Malone entitled, "Entrepreneurs Can Lead Us Out of the Crisis."
Only entrepreneurs have the flexibility, the freedom and the risk-everything ambition to find the path back to prosperity in a rapidly changing, technology-driven global economy.
Let's hear it for all entrepreneurs worldwide!

Find out the ways we need help right here.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

100 Companies To Become Household Names Across the Globe

Boston Consulting Group recently released a study of “New Global Challengers” identifying (immediate PDF file download) 100 companies with the potential to become household names across the globe.
The companies work in a variety of sectors, and hail from a host of countries. Not surprisingly, Brazil, China, and India account for the biggest portions of the list. The list is also very volatile, as 19 new companies made this year’s list. They are also extremely ambitious, with strong desire to capture global market share. They also benefit from a relatively lower cost of capital, and a concentration of ownership, which helps fend off potential hostile takeover attempts. As growth accelerates, these firms are willing to reach outside and bring in other expertise -- often through global alliances, acquisitions, and by building management teams with a global perspective.

It's really about how companies -- e.g., Agility in Kuwait is one -- from rapidly developing economies are contending for global leadership (I like the Page 11 area ... very insightful).
Learn more over at the Policy Dialogue on Entrepreneurship: New Global Challengers.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Are You a Dreamer and a Doer?

Aspire to become a global entrepreneur? Yes, you can. If you are a dreamer and a doer, then you might want to check out Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts where entrepreneurial students talk shop throughout the day and night in the E-Tower.

The E-Tower is a community for Babson students who wish to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors while attending school.

As one student says, "Any school can teach entrepreneurship, but at Babson, we live entrepreneurship."

To find out more about Babson's program, visit here. To learn what ventures E-Tower members are currently creating and growing, go here.

Friday, February 20, 2009

What Can the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Do For You?

OECD's work on trade is about providing analysis, policy advice and guidance to create a better understanding of trade and investment liberalization and how it can lead to stronger economic growth as well as to greater integration of countries into the world economy.

Look at their work for 2009 and see how it may alter your outlook on global trade.

Assessing barriers to trade in services in the MENA region

This paper (PDF file) aims to assess barriers to service provision in the financial, telecom, and transport sectors of selected MENA countries. The analysis is focused on computation of aggregate and modal trade restrictiveness indexes (TRIs) by sector.

Overcoming Border Bottlenecks: The Costs and Benefits of Trade Facilitation

Six studies that examine how border bottlenecks affect trade and investment flows, how these bottlenecks might be reduced, and whether the expense involved is worth it.

Trade flows weaken in third quarter 2008

Merchandise export volumes of the Group of Seven countries fell 0.2% in the third quarter of 2008 compared with the previous quarter, while import volumes rose 0.4%.

Recovery and Beyond: Enhancing Competitiveness to Realise Indonesia’s Trade Potential

There is much scope for trade to enhance economic growth in Indonesia. This paper (PDF file) analyses Indonesian trade policy following the Asian Financial crisis, and identifies some key reforms that may help to increase competitiveness.

-> The video above is Ken Ash, Director for Trade for OECD who warns against protectionism as a reaction to the crisis. He outlines the course of action governments should follow.

There is much more from OECD here.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pennyslvania Exports Up 18 Percent

First of all, Pennsylvania exports are up 18 percent in 2008 versus 2007. Secondly and according to the World Institute for Strategic Economic Research (WISER), Pennsylvania exported $34.4 billion worth of goods in 2008, more than double the total five years ago with the bulk of it going to Canada and Brazil. Lastly, Pennsylvania exports totaled just $16.3 billion in 2003.

The question we have to ask: Is this export momentum sustainable?

Read more here and weigh in with your comments.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Globalization Matters

Technology and globalization
have changed our economy forever.
~ Carly Fiorina

Carly Fiorina, former chief executive of Hewlett Packard, told some 2,300 members of the International Franchise Association yesterday in her keynote address at their annual convention being held in San Diego, that businesses, which she says have created two-thirds of jobs in the country, will lead the way to restore America’s faith in how business operates.
“If we’re going to get our economy working again, we have to pay attention on how to get people and small businesses to perform and prosper ... I think you are vital to the restoration of growth in our economy ... It is innovation and entrepreneurship that will lead us out of this economic crisis. Not big government, not big business, not big labor.”
Way back when in his "The World Is Flat" book, Thomas Friedman wrote about how technology and globalization have changed our lives forever.

Read more about her Carly's talk here.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Have Ones Entrepreneurship and Innovate Too?

According to Forbes reporter Sramana Mitra, entrepreneurship and innovation don't always go hand in hand -- at least not in India.

Read more here and weigh in with your comments.

And if you have a moment, pay a visit to Sramana's blog.

Global Leadership Development

Employees are less likely to jump ship during a recession so whether you run a global small business or local big business -- focusing on how to develop people to ensure you are not caught short of strong managers when the economy recovers -- is a smart notion.

Here's what some of the big guys are doing. I see a lot of ideas in this article. Webinars and executive coaches are a good way to train and counsel high-potential employees on a tight budget. Even ordering a simple HBR case study and discussing it as a group at one of your regularly scheduled meetings shows you're on it and care. More ideas can be found here.

Friday, February 13, 2009

How To Organize An Export Trial Run

Despite harsh economic times, you can still formulate a plan to take your business global. In this case, it's getting ready to export.

I prepared this article, Organizing Your Export Trial Run (3 of a 5-part series) for Small Business Trends over at the OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN blog.

If you like it, click on the useful button (and add your comments). If you don't, please email me at ldelaney(at) I always welcome feedback.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dear President Obama

From the Director of Economic Research at the United States Small Business Administration:
In sum, the 27 million small businesses in the United States play a vital role in the economic well-being of our nation. the Office of Advocacy's research contributes to the understanding of the importance of small businesses and the entrepreneurial spirit in generating economic growth, hiring and training new workers, and creating innovative products and services that will strengthen America's competitiveness in an increasingly global economy.
Immediate download of the The 2008 Small Business Economy Report (366 pages -- including chapters focusing on financing, procurement, international trade, small business training and development, tax policy, business creation, and regulation) can be obtained here.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Okay, I Admit: Global Trade Is Getting Tough

Even emerging markets are getting hit with the global downdraft. What's a business owner to do? Prepare yourself and your business for the second half of this year by learning everything there is to know about going global.

My next post for OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN blog is due out this Friday and it's on how to get organized for an export trial run. Very comprehensive. Some good tips are shared on what you should be doing now to capture global ground -- market share -- later. I will post it when it is available. Be on the lookout.

In the meantime, hang tough. Be innovative. Put yourself out there. Create value for your customers in everything you do. It can only help when the market picks up.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wake Up World!

By golly, Andy Nulman (who has worked with Jay Leno, Jerry Seinfeld, Jim Carrey, and many other comedians as the cofounder and CEO of the Just For Laughs Festival, the world’s largest comedy event) has a brand new book coming out called "POW! Right Between the Eyes: Profiting from the Power of Surprise."

I am a big fan of the power of surprise (don't really know much about Andy until now). We have a Surprise Me! link on the right sidebar of The Global Small Business Blog where, if all else fails, you can still manage to find something useful on how to take a business global.

But back to POW! Haven't read it (no advance copy -- unfortunately) but it looks terrific and just what the global economic doctor ordered for all of us. Among other interesting gems, here's what you will find covered in the book:

• Why surprise is crucial.
• What is this thing called surprise?
• What surprise ain't.
• Shock 101
• The art of the business of creating surprise.

So, get ready. The book is set for release February 24. Find out more here. And catch Andy's blog about surprise here.

Now, surprise me by emailing (or commenting here) to say you've gone global (and not fishing)!

Monday, February 09, 2009

Export Surges

The power of competitive currency. How can countries stimulate and sustain strong export growth? The authors of this report examine 92 episodes of export surges, defined as significant increases in manufacturing export growth that are sustained for at least seven years.

Read more here.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Globally Engaged Education

Here's a look at the top trends shaping social entrepreneurship in 2009. Three of them touch on our outlook as well: social enterprises (as it applies to education), mobile technology and green innovation.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research

After exploring my exciting new online membership over at the International Council for Small Business, I caught that Scott A. Shane won the 2009 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research.

I have admired Scott's prolific work at both Small Business Trends and OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN but little did I know that he was that gifted in writing about entrepreneurship.

For those of you who don't know Scott, he is the A. Malachi Mixon III Professor of Entrepreneurship Studies at Case Western Reserve University.

We are very proud of Scott and his wonderful accomplishments and wish him continued success in the field of global entrepreneurship.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Innovation Will Transcend All Boundaries

We need to innovate our way to a new business model, at least that's what The New York Times, Sunday, February 1, 2009 article, "Disruptive Innovation, Applied to Health Care," states regarding health care.
Using innovation management models previously applied to other industries, Clayton M. Christensen, a Harvard Business School professor, argues in “The Innovator’s Prescription” that the concepts behind “disruptive innovation” can reinvent health care. The term “disruptive innovation,” which he introduced in 2003, refers to an unexpected new offering that through price or quality improvements turns a market on its head.

Disruptive innovators in health care aim to shape a new system that provides a continuum of care focused on each individual patient’s needs, instead of focusing on crises. Mr. Christensen and his co-authors argue that by putting the financial interests of hospitals and doctors at the center, the current system gives routine illnesses with proven therapies the same intensive and costly specialized care that more complicated cases require.
This falls right in line with our Trend No. 1 in Top 10 Global Trends for Small Businesses for 2009 (published January 21, 2009):

1. Disruptive innovation will be both the coolest and hottest new growth strategy in 2009 because it will transcend all boundaries and transform businesses.

Clayton Christensen, a Harvard Business School professor who focuses on innovation, discusses this very same topic in “How Hard Times Can Drive Innovation.” Also, a hip report by Trendwatching covers half a dozen consumer trends for 2009 and supports Christensen’s, and our theory, with prediction No. 6: Happy Ending. It states:
“At the same time, this is a great moment to innovate: shrinking budgets and diminishing revenues from existing offerings normally bring out the best and most creative in business professionals.”
Economist Joseph Schumpeter popularized a similar concept called “creative destruction” in 1942 in his book, “Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy,” that describes the process of transformation that accompanies radical innovation. Look for more of this type of disruptive innovation in 2009.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

In Search of Global Excellence

How can you better serve worldwide customers in 2009? By applying and hopefully winning the 2009 Dell Global Small Business Excellence Award.

In its sixth year in the United States and second year globally, the award gives small businesses applying technology in innovative ways to better serve customers a chance at up to U.S. $50,000 in Dell solutions and a meeting with Dell Chairman and CEO Michael Dell.

Call for entries have already started with the first round of submissions due by Friday, April 3, 2009. Ten national finalists per country will be announced in mid-June and the 13 national winners will be announced in September 2009.

India is the newest country to participate in the global award and recognize local small businesses for technology leadership. Additional countries participating include Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

For a description of the award criteria, rules, award levels, partners and judges and to complete an application, visit here and good luck!

Monday, February 02, 2009

International Council for Small Business

Because we are so passionate about helping you -- entrepreneurs and small businesses -- expand your business internationally -- we decided to become a member of another organization that is equally as committed: The International Council for Small Business.
Founded in 1955, the International Council for Small Business (ICSB) was the first international membership organization to promote the growth and development of small businesses worldwide. The organization brings together educators, researchers, policy makers and practitioners from around the world to share knowledge and expertise in their respective fields.
One of our trusted colleagues, Dr. Jeffrey Cornwall, is also a member so when you have time, check out what ICSB has to offer ... lots of tips, tools and resources to enable you to learn more about going global ... and see if membership might benefit you too.

Knowledge sharing helps improve our global economic environment and fosters an understanding and appreciation for each country's contribution to the world marketplace.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Global Market Access

Very interesting opinion piece in the WSJ:
First, America must remove trade barriers on exports from the poorest countries, regardless of trade policies in those countries. With global market access, poor countries would automatically attract private investment, despite their institutional weaknesses. These institutions would become stronger over time as businesses flourish. Private investments capitalizing on access to global markets would necessarily employ low-cost labor, thus creating jobs.

Next, small entrepreneurs can be bolstered with seed money in the range of $25,000. Small entrepreneurs create jobs, products and services that form the bedrock of flourishing democracies. With some tangible changes in its operation, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) within the World Bank Group could promote development through entrepreneurs. The World Bank should stop lending to governments and be absorbed into the reformed IFC.
Read more here.