Thursday, April 30, 2009

Postive Effects of Globalization for Companies in India

With globalization, countries can become integrated through foreign trade and investments.

India, for example, is a country that is growing consistently over the last several years -- proving that globalization has many positive and negative effects on culture, society or a country's economy.

Read more here.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A World of Opportunity

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) reports that the world is in the grips of a deepening recession. I look at it that we are in the grips of a world of opportunity. We just have to work smart at finding it.

Read more here.

Separately, I was a part of a vibrant panel discussion on global business early yesterday morning for Crain's Chicago Business. I met so many interesting people and I just want to say, "thank you" to all who came up to me after the talk to say nice things. One attendee, a trained psychologist who specializes in family business said, "One of your statements really resonated with me." And I quickly asked, "Oh, you mean the one about 'begin with the end in mind?'" He said, "No, the one where you declared 'make it very hard for people on the Internet not to find you." To him and everyone else who attended, I say, "nice to meet you and thank you for listening!"

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How To Close An Export Deal

I am not sure if you are following my export series over at OPEN Forum by American Express. If you are, ignore this post. If you aren't, pay a visit to my latest two-part installment:

The Art of Closing the Export Deal

And as always, let me know what you think of it.

Monday, April 27, 2009

How To Position Your Business Now For When Exports Recover

As exports declined, China's came up with a strategy to make its service a lot more affordable.

A lesson for us all is in this story: How to position your business now for when exports recover.

Read more here.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Don't Be Taxed By International Taxes

There is much to wonder about and learn from the Obama administration on a balanced approach to international taxation and global competitiveness.

Take a timeout to read, "Taxing Times For Global Business," which covers the administration's crackdown on tightening perceived loopholes.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Home Alone or Abroad

Whether it's Dubai, Beijing or Cape Town, Americans abroad know how to make a home for themselves.

Read more here and take a tour of three homes for expatriates here.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Language Learning Firm Grows Global

It goes to show you how important speaking more than one language is to our world (growth potential appears to be enormous). The Arlington, VA-based language instruction company, Rosetta Stone, saw its share prices soar last week in its debut on the New York Stock Exchange.

As reported in the WSJ on Friday, April 17:
"We have a real opportunity to grow globally," said Rosetta Chief Executive Tom Adams after the stock began trading.
Read more here.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Protect Our Planet

Make a difference. Do your part to protect our planet everyday. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.

Learn more here and here.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Over the Global Trade Rainbow

Interesting post over at Crisis Talk, The World Bank Group, on searching for bright spots in trade.

According to Caroline Freund, the global trade rainbow comprises of:
  • Medical equipment trade is thriving (such as catheters and pacemakers in the U.S. and MRI equipment and artificial body parts in Japan).
  • Various foods items are up (bananas and meat in both nations, grains and rice in Japan).
  • Tobacco is up over 100 percent in the U.S. and 30 percent in Japan. Vodka imports are up 37 percent in the U.S.
  • Cell phone imports are up 24 percent in the U.S. and 12 percent in Japan. Proof that improved technology still sells—the new generation of smartphones are really cool.
  • A number of chemicals are ahead in both countries. For example, heterocyclic compounds (a big category, $600m in February in the US) are up 48 percent in the US and 67 percent in Japan—these are used for a wide variety of things, such as drugs, pesticides, dyes and plastics.
  • Wind-powered electric generating sets are up 18 percent in the United States.
Read more here.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Linking Globally

Check out a new global business network for small businesses called GlobalLinker and then let "us" know how the following companies are affiliated:

British Airways
USA Today
Cisco WebEx

Impressive roster. What's in it for them? More important, what's in it for us (how is it different from LinkedIn, Facebook (check this out), MySpace, Twitter, etc.)?

And don't confuse it with Global Link DEC or GlobalLink Network!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spirit of Global Cooperation

If there is one thing that came out of the 34-nation Summit of the Americas, it's the spirit of global cooperation to America's hemispheric neighbors.

Read more here and here.

Friday, April 17, 2009

How to Track Your Competitor's Suppliers

Tap into the right resources and the world can become your oyster. We wrote about one way to track your competitor's suppliers a while back here (excerpt):
Another excellent way to tap new geographical markets, to minimize your expenditure of time, money, and energy, and to help focus your overseas sales and marketing efforts is to use the Port Import/Export Reporting Service (PIERS). PIERS ( is the only information service that provides names of U.S. consignees or shippers as well as overseas suppliers, along with detailed descriptions of import or export shipments for the commodity of your choice. This information is taken from ships' manifests by a nationwide corps of reporters and is loaded weekly into a computer database.
I once used PIERS on behalf of an American window blind manufacturer to find customers who were importing window shades into Capetown, South Africa. My client wanted to effectively compete with an industry giant already exporting to Capetown. After securing a list from PIERS that showed who was buying the competitor's goods there, we created a direct mail package specifically for those customers. Using the PIERS list gave us the competitive advantage we needed to show the South African prospects the superiority of my client's product and win them over as customers.
This week we stumbled upon a new resource that appears to be similar to PIERS: Import Genius -- a search engine for U.S. customs data. We have no experience with it so we leave it up to you to explore.

Another resource is The Journal of Commerce which has been around forever. They have lots of useful global transportation (commerce) information too.

We suggest you check out all of the above, compare capabilities and let us know what you think.

And if you know of other best-kept secrets, please share (comment). Or maybe you prefer to keep the secret to yourself?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Global News You Can Use

We are delighted to have been selected to be highlighted (RSS feed) in the Commerce page of globalpost! According to John Wilpers, Global Blog Coordinator, they had a hard time finding really good global business blogs, especially about global small business, and ours really stood out.

globalpost is a new international news organization that launched on Jan. 12. They have been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, National Public Radio, MSNBC, MediaShift on PBS, the Columbia Journalism Review, the Online Journalism Review, and many more. Here's what else they told us:
By appearing on Global Post’s exciting new international news website, your words, viewpoints, and pictures would gain worldwide exposure. In barely two months, we have had 250,000 unique visitors and 1.1 million page views. Our readers have come from every country in the world except North Korea, Chad, and Eritrea!

Your posts would not only appear instantly on but also possibly on the sites of our partners, including the Huffington Post (7.8 million U.S. and 9.7 million global monthly unique visitors) and other news and information websites.
We are thrilled to be a part of this exciting consortium of international news sources.

Take a peek when time permits.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Exports Rise

United States exports rose in February for the first time in seven months. Is this a sign of better times ahead?
Exports increased to $126.8 billion in February from $124.7 billion in January. Goods were $84.7 billion in February, up from $82.2 billion in January, and services were $42.1 billion in February, down from $42.5 billion in January. ~ Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Statistics, April 9, 2009
Let's hope so. Read more here.

Monday, April 13, 2009

United States 2009 Small Business Exporter of the Year

Exim Bank of the United States named water purification equipment supplier Aquatech International Corp. of Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, its 2009 Small Business Exporter of the Year.
"In today's challenging global economic environment, Ex-Im Bank support of our exports gives us opportunities that we otherwise would not have," said Aquatech President and Chief Executive Officer Venkee Sharma.
Congratulations to Aquatech! Read more here and here.

Photo: Aquatech's engineers in Hartland designed these towers for the Enel SpA energy utility in Brindisi in southern Italy. The plant uses desalination technology to recycle large volumes of water.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

Township Funk Has Global Appeal

What is the biggest global dance hit (keep your volume down on your computer!) of the past year?

We won't keep you guessing. Go here. You never know when your local efforts will go global.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

China Entrepreneur's Order Book Is Emptying

See how one China entrepreneur rode China's expansion but is now struggling to adapt as exports slow.

Check out the World Bank's outlook on China here.

I wonder if learning how to adapt quickly is more important than innovation this year? Or, do you think we need both in order to thrive in this new economy?

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The World Has Changed

The G20 summit has invited more of the world into the global decision-making process and hence, the world has changed.

Find out why here.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Goodbye Kitty?

In a bid to raise its international profile, Tokyo has appointed three young women as cultural envoys because they represent Japan's long-running craze for all things cute.

Does that mean Hello Kitty (pictured above) is history? Let's hope not.

Read more here.

Monday, April 06, 2009

How to Ease the Global Crisis

According to Simeon Djankov, Chief Economist at the World Bank Group's Crisis Talk blog, of all the possible things the G20 Summit leaders could have done, this one would ease the crisis the most: a commitment to triple the amount of money the IMF has for lending to $750 billion.

The G20 has also committed about $250 billion to boost global trade.

See why Djankov thinks the IMF lending notion (there are doubts about the global trade boost) is a good idea here.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Some Like It Cold

Remember the movie A Christmas Story where Ralphie's friends Flick and Schwartz dispute over whether a person's tongue will stick to a frozen flagpole? They give a "triple dog dare" to find out. Well forget about that thought right now because otherwise you will need a "quadruple dog dare" to check out the Ice Hotel (including the Ice Bar) in Sweden.

Ivan Misner reports on his experience staying at the Icehotel in Sweden -- a worldwide franchise co-developed by an entrepreneur turned international entrepreneur with Absolut Vodka. The Ice Bar concept has spread to locations in Stockholm, London, Tokyo and Copenhagen. With more to come, I'm sure.

Read the blog entry here.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

The Great Global Debate

Check out the global hub for debate about the London Summit here.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Global Unity

At the very least we will establish global unity amongst the world's 20 biggest economic powers at the G-20 Summit but let's also hope for and expect the creation of a very specific global economic recovery plan (e.g., actionable must-do-list).

Stay up to date on what takes place here and here.