Friday, December 17, 2010

What Are the Legal Requirements to Start an Import Business?

I am working on a new project where I will be covering both importing and exporting for a small business.  Watch for it.  But in the meantime, here's a short cut answer to the question:
The only legal requisites to opening an import business are having an importer of record number, which is usually just the business's tax-identification number, and a surety bond to protect the U.S. government if you can't pay your duties, taxes and other fees. Surety bonds are required for all so-called formal entries where the shipment is valued at more than $2,000, but many importers use them on smaller shipments as well. They can be purchased ...
Read the entire answer:  Opening a Small Import Business

And I am sure there are additional factors to consider.  If they've been left out, please comment.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog.. thanks for sharing.. Would you like to tell me what is the procedure to start an import export business in China.. how to start an import export business
