Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What's Ahead in 2011

My latest contribution for the American American OPEN Forum via Small Business Trends:

2011:  The Year of ...

What else do you think 2011 will bring us?  I welcome your comments!

Posted by:  Laurel Delaney, The Global Small Business Blog

1 comment:

  1. I say it's the year of relationships online and offline. In bad times we lean on one another. It's been pretty cool to see small businesses and entrepreneurs work together to help one another - even if they get nothing in return.

    Cross-promoting - I've seen it increase this year due to the economy (again people helping one another) because they realize it can help them a. save money and b. build credibility by being seen as connected.

    With the way things are going with us - what we're seeing in the small business world - it's going to be an exciting year. Many who have not been able to find a job have gone out and started their own businesses; launching their own new, unique products.

    Good post!
