Saturday, June 04, 2011

Go Global: I Wish I'd Done It Sooner

That's what Fifth Ring co-founder Ian Ord said about the impact that being a globally operating business has had over the last decade. This was ahead of speaking at the forthcoming Go Global International Expansion Conference, which is being hosted by MiNetwork in Manchester in June.

Ord also said:
“We decided to go global in 2003 and took our first step into the Middle East in 2004. We started to plan our expansion into North America in 2006 and opened the office there in 2008. Given the success that particular office has achieved, I genuinely wish we had done it sooner but there were both resource and commercial constraints on our business. Expansion into Asia Pacific in 2011 was the next logical step in our international expansion and we were able to apply what we had learned from the move into the Middle East and North America.”
Read the entire article here.

Posted by:  The Global Small Business Blog

1 comment:

  1. Small businesses interested in fast-tracking their "going global" campaigns will want to consider this very simple tip that has made my small business a global success in the past five years:

    Thank you for the opportunity to comment!
