Saturday, July 30, 2011

What's Your Excuse For NOT Going Global?

Too busy, too complicated, too expensive or too risky?  It's all of these excuses plus more on why companies don't expand their businesses internationally. 

My latest contribution ...

Top 10 Excuses For Not Going Global
American Express OPEN Forum via Small Business Trends

What's yours?

Friday, July 29, 2011

A Piece of the World Trade Center Arrives

A 4-foot, 215-pound piece of steel rectangle arrived on the flatbed of a Department of Public Works truck July 19th in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. The piece of steel will be permanently installed at Memorial Pond (dedicated in 2003 in memory of four residents killed in terrorist attacks 9/11).
Those in attendance greeted the steel by taking pictures of it. By noon, it was in the firehouse, where it will stay until officials decide where to place it at the pond.
 The pond is behind Borough Hall and adjacent to Muni Field.
The final phase of the pond project — the creation of a waterfall — is in progress and will be completed in time for the 10th anniversary of 9/11, officials have said. A commemorative ceremony will be held at 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 10, at the pond.
Learn more about this symbol of healing story here.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Overtake America? Seriously?

Is the United States losing status as a global superpower?
A new Pew Global Attitudes survey finds that while the U.S. is better regarded around the world now than it was in the Bush years, in 15 of 22 nations surveyed most say that China either will replace or already has replaced America as the world's "leading superpower." This view is especially widespread in Western Europe, where at least six in 10 respondents in Britain, France, Germany and Spain see China eventually overtaking the U.S.
Read the entire commentary here:

Andrew Kohut (president of the Pew Research Center) and published by The Wall Street Journal: The World Says China Will Overtake America

Related resource:

Pew Global Attitudes Project
China Seen Overtaking U.S. As Global Superpower

What do you think?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Are Your Processes In Place For Going Global?

As your organization grows global, do you have a support system in place that can take you where you want to go with total transparency and minimal operational, supply chain and distribution missteps? We hope so.
What the management needs is a global view of its inventory and operations, as well as tight coordination between manufacturing and distribution operations to ensure an efficient supply chain. In addition, they want a consolidated view into the company’s financial data so that they have clear visibility into their costs and margins. This ensures that the organization is able to monitor its financial and operational model closely as it prepares to take on the significant new risks of going global.
If you have doubts, read:

Is Your Company Ready to Take Advantage of Market Growth?
Manufacturing Business Technology
by Thomas Tan

Posted by:  The Global Small Business Blog

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

2011 (Global) Small Business Influencer

I am honored to be nominated for the "2011 Small Business Influencer" - the top influencers in the small business market.  If you haven't cast a vote, I'd welcome yours for the (global) guru category.  Go here to learn more. Thanks in advance.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Four Misconceptions About Exporting

Keith Levit Photography/Thinkstock
Yes, exporting is a little more challenging than conducting local business but it doesn't mean you shy away from it altogether.  Quite the contrary.  You just need to learn the ropes!  That's why you're here.

Here are four misconceptions about exporting.  See if you fall into these traps (or what I call excuses for not exporting).

Four Common Misconceptions About Exporting

Be sure to check out because there is a whole lot more featured than just misconceptions!

Illustration credit:  SUSTA (Southern United States Trade Association)
SUSTA is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), its member states and private companies. FAS administers and executes many foreign market development activities.
Posted by:  The Global Small Business Blog

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

Are You a Star Exporter?

ThinkGlobal is accepting nominations for the 2012 Exporter of the Year Award. The Exporter of the Year Awards are given to one U.S. company in each of ThinkGlobal's Commercial News USA magazine's industry categories.

Nominate yourself (why not?) or someone else you know who is doing a fabulous job on the exporting front.

Winners in each industry will be chosen by the ThinkGlobal publishing team based on the total number of documented export deals completed in 2010, total percentage increase in sales in 2009 compared to 2009, exports as percentage of total sales, the company's commitment to exporting, the company's commitment to customer service, and the company's innovation and originality in marketing products or services. To be eligible for the award, the nominee must be a company that is exporting from the United States. Companies may nominate themselves for the award.
Go here to apply/nominate.  At the same time, find out who won in 2011.

Deadline: September 17, 2011

Good luck!  And let us know if you win!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hope For Young People: Overcoming Adversity In Any Country

Seoul National University professor Kim Nan-do (pictured) will be selling his new essay, "Growing Up Is Painful" in China, Japan, Taiwan and Italy. The essay will be published as a book and will deliver its message of hope to young people all over the world.
In explaining the reason for signing the deal, foreign publishers said the essay will help mentor young people in their countries because they share the same pain and uncertainty.

Chinese publisher Guangxi said professor Kim’s intellectual writing makes young people realize what they have failed in so far. The essay encourages young people to overcome a slump no matter how severe, which will deliver a good message to Chinese youth, it added.
Learn more: Korean professor's essay on growing up going global

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Happy Birthday No. 7 to The Global Small Business Blog

Photo courtesy:  ©Laurel Delaney 2011.
Happy Birthday No. 7 to The Global Small Business Blog (! Yes, seven years ago we started this blog with the subject line of:

What's "Borderbuster" have to do with The Global Small Business Blog? Everything.

And from there we went on to tell you that The Global Small Business Blog is a newborn marketing channel ... well, the rest is history.

We are still going strong and with a following of fans -- like you dear reader -- who stay with us.  Some posts we receive 30 page views and others, more than 200,000 views!

Thank you for your readership.  It means the world to me.  Now raise your glasses/cups.  Let's toast.  Here's to many more posts to come on anything related to helping entrepreneurs and small businesses tackle global business.  And to far more comments, opinions and insights from you!  I look forward to it.

Warmest regards,
Laurel Delaney
(I wish I could say that's a photo of me above - but it's not; I took it though :-)!
Founder and Publisher, The Global Small Business Blog
July 20, 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Reduce Hassles and Dollars on Calls From Abroad

Digital Vision/Thinkstock
Hello E-Z Roam, a low-cost global cell phone service for international travelers.

Learn more here

Monday, July 18, 2011

Global Rebalancing

What is global rebalancing?
The idea is to change the world economy so that it relies less on American consumers and more on shoppers in China, Germany and other countries with big trade surpluses. The aim is to build a firmer foundation for global growth and avoid financial instability.
Easier said than done?  You bet.  Learn more here.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

World: Do What Matters Most

©Laurel Delaney 2011.  All rights reserved.  Chicago, Oak Street Beach.
“Beach sand, perfect tans. Day walks, night talks. Sleepless nights, pillow fights, and spending every day with those who matter most.” ~ Unknown

Friday, July 15, 2011

The More Trade, the More Opportunities

The new World Trade Center in Tijuana is glass enclosed, has eight floors and 200,000 square feet of office space.

Its purpose:
“We want to open Tijuana to the world and the world to Tijuana,” Gregorio Goldstein, CEO of the Tijuana World Trade Center.
Learn more here.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

U.S. International Trade Data May 2011

According to the ITA Blog Tradeology, exports decreased by 0.5 percent in May, total exports are still up 16.4 percent compared to the same period last year.

Thank goodness.  Otherwise, the NEI would fall flat on its face.

Statement from U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke on U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services:
“While exports dipped slightly in May, exports have been growing at a strong pace overall in the first five months of 2011, up 16.4percent compared to the same period last year. We’re making progress but we still have a way to go. Accelerating job growth remains a priority for this administration and we will continue to provide our businesses with the necessary tools to compete and win globally and create more American jobs. As we move closer to reaching the president’s goal of doubling exports by 2015, the Obama administration will continue to help businesses reach the 95 percent of consumers who live outside our borders,” Locke said.
Export fact sheet here.  Illustration credit:  U.S. Foreign Trade Data (U.S. Census)

Posted by:  The Global Small Business Blog

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Victoria's Secrets: Taking It Slowly in the International Marketplace

Limited Brands, owner of lingerie Victoria's Secret and personal-care retailer Bath & Body Works, is traveling slowly through the international marketplace.  According to The Wall Street Journal article, "Victoria's Secret Gets Out Overseas," VS doesn't have any locations overseas.  Why?

Find out more here.

Does a cautious approach to going global work for your business too?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Opportunities Abound for Exporters But Not Without Challenges

As Pankaj Ghemawat, a professor of global strategy at Spain's IESE Business School and author of the new book, World 3.0 (Harvard Business Review Press) says:
By recognizing that borders still matter, says Ghemawat, companies can better calibrate which markets and trading partners offer the best chance for truly global gains.
Inc. Magazine contributor Ryan Underwood spoke with Ghemawat about how businesses should approach a global strategy. Their discussion addresses four questions:
  1. What makes you think that popular views about globalization are incorrect?
  2. What does that mean for American small businesses?
  3. But hasn't technology moved us any closer to a borderless world?
  4. What advice do you have for companies that are thinking about global expansion?
Read the interview here.

Related posts:

There are Great Opportunities to Conduct Business Abroad

Redefining Global Strategy

How Global Is Your Business?

Posted by:  The Global Small Business Blog

Monday, July 11, 2011

Mr. Potato Head Goes Global

©Laurel Delaney 2011.  All rights reserved.  Mr Potato Head.
To John Yunker ... I too am a fan of Mr. Potato Head (as shown).  Delighted to see he's going global in a serious and effective way.

So everyone knows what I am referring to, read:

Global by Design's The Mr. Potato Head Global Gateway

Saturday, July 09, 2011

World: Set Aside Quiet Time To Unwind

©Laurel Delaney 2011, Birds Resting
"Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.” ~ Salvador DalĂ­

Friday, July 08, 2011

India Is Home to Nearly 7% of the World's Billionaires

According to Sadanand Dhume at The Enterprise Blog, with barely 2 percent of the world’s GDP (in dollar terms), India houses nearly 7 percent of the world’s billionaires.

How does this affect the way we market products in India (e.g., hire Bollywood actors and actresses to develop a brand)?

Read:  Does India Have Too Many Billionaires?

Related article:  India's Richest

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Argentina-Brazil: Trade Trouble Ahead?

Will Brazil's new government will be quicker to react to Argentina's non-tariff trade barriers than its predecessors?
Trouble began brewing in February, when Argentina lengthened the list of Brazilian-made products that no longer qualify for its automatic import licenses from 400 to 600. One of the first sectors to take a hit was Brazil's footwear manufacturing. After the U.S. and the U.K., Argentina is the biggest market for Brazilian shoes.
Learn more over at Knowledge at Wharton: "The Ties That Bind: A new Twist in Brazil-Argentina Trade Tactics?

Posted by:  The Global Small Business Blog

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

In a World of Risk, How Do You Write It Up?

As the article featured below in CFO Magazine indicates, in emerging markets, the clash between politics and profits presents numerous threats.

Read more here.

Posted by:  The Global Small Business Blog

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Contacting a Manufacturer: Script It To Perfect It

Digital Vision/Thinkstock
Preparation is everything when it comes to initial contact with a manufacturer on a product you wish to import or export.

Here's a script I prepared that hopefully guides you with your first communication.

Scripting Your Communication to the Manufacturer:  Importing and Exporting Business

Monday, July 04, 2011

Happy 4th of July America: We Are Still The Country of the Future

Happy Independence Day United States of America!

According to Walter Russell Mead, no country is better positioned to take advantage of the opportunities or manage the dangers than the United States.
... the United States of America is better placed to surf this transformation than any other country. Change is our home field. It is who we are and what we do. Brazil may be the country of the future, but America is its hometown.
Read:  The Future Still Belongs To America

Posted by:  The Global Small Business Blog

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Borderless Benefits

©Laurel Delaney 2011.  All rights reserved.  Madonna Della Strada Chapel on Loyola's Lake Shore Campus in Rogers Park.
Should we open our borders to free international trade?
By contrast, as a whole, American citizens actually hold a slightly negative (cited from 2009 so things may have changed since then) view toward trade with some 49% perceiving it as a threat to the economy from foreign imports. Why the disconnect?
Find out here.

Related piece (go figure):

Americans On Board with Opening Doors to Cuba

Friday, July 01, 2011

New News: Look For Customers Outside of Your Country!

©Laurel Delaney 2011. Oak Street, Chicago, Illinois, looking up at the John Hancock building
We love a good chuckle but seriously, the article below talks about the importance of looking to the world for your market.
“It makes sense that 10 years ago, if you could sell to your neighbor in Iowa, that was a whole lot easier than having to venture out and sell abroad,” says Roberts. “But I’m confident that our Illinois companies, once they get in the game, they’ll push up their sleeves and it’s no different.”
Exporting Illinois

Moral of the story: Include exports in your business plan!

Related articles:

Small Firms Lead the Way on Illinois Exports