Monday, April 02, 2012

How Do You Make the World Your Marketplace?

President of World Trade Center Miami and a director of the World Trade Centers Association, Charlotte Gallogly gives some advice on going global.

Q. What’s the best preparation for someone who wants to make the world their marketplace?
Determine your business (product/market interests) and then travel to trade fairs in those countries to determine the viability and the market interest in your products. Also, work in the industries to gain experience to ease your transition to becoming an entrepreneur.
Read the entire article here.

Note:  World Trade Center Miami
The World Trade Center Miami (, a member of the World Trade Centers Association and Florida’s oldest international organization, fosters international business opportunities for member companies.

Read more here:
Posted by:  The Global Small Business Blog


  1. Great blog, informative and up to date. Bookmarking your page. Thanks and more power!

  2. Have to admit - traveling around to countries in order to test product viability sounds like a fun way to test the marketplace.

    I'll have to look into opening branch sites in some of my favorite countries!
