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Happy New Year!
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The Indian government may allow Swedish furniture retailer IKEA to follow its global model and open stores with cafeterias that feature their signature meatballs. Commerce minister Anand Sharma said on Wednesday that the government has taken a favourable view of the matter.Apparently, IKEA has a global business model and feels it ought not change it for anybody or any country.
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Through expansion overseas, they aim to gain access to new distribution channels, international managers, brand recognition and technological expertise in global markets.Read the entire article: 13 Chinese Companies Going Global in 2013
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Those who are dazzled by China often forget that much of the rapid growth before 2008 was caused by the shift of global manufacturing from Europe and the U.S., not by domestic-oriented activity. China’s economy remains export-driven, with consumers accounting for only 38 percent of gross domestic product, far below the levels of many developing and developed countries.See if your guess matches up to this article.
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"A Kuwaiti company’s future today is in investing outside of Kuwait and not just within the country.” With globalization and the subsequent removal of boundaries, he affirmed that a successful business is one with a global mindset.Fakhro is the chairman of KPMG’s Middle East and South Asia sub-region and the managing partner of KPMG’s Qatar and Bahrain practices. He is also a board member of KPMG Europe.
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Forty years ago, there were only a handful of truly "global brands" and they were made up of only the biggest corporations -- Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Colgate-Palmolive, IBM, Shell. Then a rash of upstarts came along, such as Nike, Microsoft, Apple, and Honda, and pushed their brand reputation further than their actual sales footprint. But now that barriers to international trade have come down and the Internet has helped small and mid-sized companies compete on the global stage ...She covers:
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To be successful you must be inclusive, that is, you must give up misplaced sentiments of ethnocentrism and seek to learn, really learn, about the native culture you hope to market to from the native culture you hope to market to. You can’t take a U.S.-centric approach.She also tells us something you may not already know, that is, if you just started using the Internet today:
So you think global markets are just for the big guys? Think again! The truth is, small companies can tap into one of the many rapidly emerging markets. In fact, everything is global these days.Read the entire article: Going Global: It's Not About You; It's About Them
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Operated by the U.S. Department of Commerce as a collaborative effort with 19 other agencies, is a goldmine of information, tools and programs for anyone looking to succeed in the global marketplace.In 2013, make it the year to learn, leverage and go global!
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Today's Global Trends 2030 report by the National Intelligence Council predicts that, "By 2030, no country—whether the US, China, or any other large country—will be a hegemonic power." Considering that this has already been true for quite some time, it's a safe bet.Read the entire article here.
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... make your customers happy.
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While this series will provide plenty of social and economic color on Southeast Asia, it is not intended to be read as an exhaustive course study on any one particular country. Rather, it should be viewed as an outline that offers the reader a glimpse of the region, and collective emerging countries that don’t get their fair share of mainstream media attention.Learn more here.
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Director-General Pascal Lamy, in his annual report to members on developments in the international trading environment, said: “The world needs a renewed and stronger commitment from all Governments to revitalize the multilateral trading system that can restore economic certainty at a time when it is badly needed. The policy determination to resist inward-looking policies seems to be faltering in some countries, even as the world economy needs more trade to stave off recession.”Learn more here.
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Chinese astronauts are preparing to grow fresh vegetables on Mars and the moon after researchers successfully completed a preliminary test in Beijing, state media reported.Read the full story here.
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The top 50 fastest-growing cities, by GDP per capita, are practically all in the developing Asian world. The top 18 are in China. The rest are in China, Indonesia (Jakarta), India (Chennai), and Australia (Perth).Where are the fastest shrinking cities in the world?
Of the world's fastest-shrinking cities, 42 of the bottom 50 were in the EU. The others included Dubai, Adelaide, Australia, and Albuquerque.What does it mean?
Photo courtesy: ©Laurel Delaney 2012, "Whole Foods Customer Suggestions" |
Photo courtesy: ©Laurel Delaney 2012, "Hat Made Anywhere, World" |
The garment factory in Bangladesh where 112 people were killed in a fire had been making clothes for Wal-Mart, Disney, Sears and other major global retailers — some of whom say they thought they had stopped doing business with the place.Bottom line: Monitor your supply chain! If you don't know who is making your product and under what conditions, who does?
The apparent confusion underscored what some industry experts say is a major obstacle to improving factory safety in developing nations ...
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In the global game of exporting, flexibility is just as important, since almost any aspect of your original game plan may need to be adapted to local market conditions.Read the entire article: Going Global - Be Flexible in Foreign Markets
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Every entrepreneur dreams of going global.
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Remember when E.F. Schumacher wrote the classic Small is Beautiful? I think about that all the time now with small businesses going global. One of Schumacher's philosophies was: "Why use the computer if you can make the calculation on the back of an envelope."
If he were to revise his book today, he might offer this: "Why remain local with a business if you can easily go global?"
©Laurel Delaney 2012, "Baked Rhodes Bread" |
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As a small business, it’s nearly impossible to protect yourself from this kind of assault. If you want to stand your ground and fight, then the best strategy is to ally yourself with other local businesses and pool your resources. Offer free cross-advertising campaigns and attack the large multinational threat together. While you can’t offer discounts on all your products to fight back, offering rotating sales on select products can attract customers. In an all-out war against the big guys, the enemy of your enemy is your best friend.Learn more here.
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It’s a fabulous idea to support your local community—business owners in your neighborhood who provide a pure American-made product or service—by purchasing their goods on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. I also praise American Express for launching the movement, especially as it benefits the company if shoppers use their American Express card to make their purchases. But how do you shop the other 364 days of the year? Will you continue to support the local businesses—I hope so—or will you expand your purchases to include all over the world?Learn more: Global Small Business Sunday: ShopPlanet by Laurel Delaney
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“An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy.”After you read the article below, let me know if you still believe in the notion of a "free market!"
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Increasing trade and investment links with China are generating substantial benefits for the U.S. economy, boosting GDP by about 0.7% by 2010 and reducing prices by 0,8%. Together, these equate to an increase of $1,000 a year in average household real disposable income.Download and read the entire report here.
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In this article, lessons that have been extracted from six literature streams and from information on 21 startups founded in 12 countries are used to identify the six elements that a startup must get right to globalize early and rapidly.What must a management team get right to globalize a technology startup early and rapidly?
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The ban shows that companies that espouse the free flow of information aren’t always welcome around the world, and they have to plan for the possibility that they might be shut down at any given moment. Google’s own stats showed a sharp decline in traffic from China, affecting everything from search to Gmail, Google’s email service. The Google Play mobile app store was also inaccessible from within China. Services returned in some parts of the country on Saturday, according to the Wall Street Journal.
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After struggling for years to get that automotive accessory business in Korea, you switched sales agents in an attempt to nail it and suddenly out of nowhere -- and to your surprise -- got the business? Did you get the business because the new agent did a better job or did you get the business because the new agent bribed the automotive company without you knowing?Find out more: How to Avoid Bribes in International Business by Laurel Delaney
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“The United States is expected to cede its place as the world's largest economy to China, as early as 2016. India’s GDP is also expected to pass that of the United States over the long term."Learn more here.
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The Global Thinkers Forum (GTF) is a non-profit initiative and a platform to create dialogue and bring current and future leaders together to discuss governance, society, progress and the future. GTF has been created to reposition perceptions about governance through a global perspective.Global Thinkers Forum
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“The global economy is being transformed at an unprecedented speed and at the heart of that transformation is the services economy. (…) Services underpin every part of the production process, from research and development to design, engineering, financing, transportation, distribution and marketing. In short, without services, there would be little value-added and innovation.”Learn more about the growth of the services economy here.
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But the globalization shtick is getting stale, not just because it's become a mantra, but because it gives a false picture of the world we inhabit and presents a cartoonish view of our universities. (Yes, I know all about the complaints against higher education: point taken -- to a degree, anyway.)
Let's start with what's making the world what it is -- and changing it simultaneously. No one can deny that the advances ...Read the entire opinion piece here.
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Overwhelmingly, non-US citizens favor Barack Obama’s re-election over a victory for his challenger, Mitt Romney. There are good reasons for this.Find out more: America's Global Election
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Closed captioning could not only help Udacity to make its content accessible to deaf and hard-of-hearing students, but also be the first step towards an international expansion.Learn more here.
©Laurel Delaney 2012, "View From The Mid-America Club Chicago" |
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Being included in a foreign trade zone “is an excellent opportunity for businesses to enhance their competitiveness in the global economy,” and will hopefully stimulate trade-related business and create jobs in the area, Jim Maloney, maritime marketing manager at the Port of San Francisco, said.Learn more here.
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Javier Solana was Foreign Minister of Spain, Secretary-General of NATO, and EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy. He is currently President of the ESADE Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics and Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution.