Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Slow and Bumpy Ride On the Road to Global Economic Recovery

According to BBC News, the global economy recovery will be slow and bumpy.
(April 28, 2013):  Last week, data showed that the US economy, the world's biggest, expanded by 2.5% in the first quarter of the year. That's lower than the 3% growth many analysts had forecast.
Learn more here (includes an automatic video so set your volume to low).

Monday, April 29, 2013

To Go Global, Start Making Baby Formula

Major retailers in Germany this year began rationing sales of leading brands of baby formula. Parents in Britain, the Netherlands and Hong Kong have faced similar restrictions.  So much for globalization.

Part of the reason for the scarcity?
Parents thousands of miles away in China have been using the Internet or tapping friends and relatives in Europe to buy up stocks of high quality European-produced formula — often paying much higher prices than they would here.  Chinese demand for foreign brands soared after drought in Australia and New Zealand cut supplies from China’s major sources of imported baby formula. 
Read more here.

Meanwhile, start making premium baby formula for export.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Horses Know

Photo courtesy:  ©2013 Laurel Delaney.  "Wood Horse Sculpture in Chicago"
He knows when you're happy
He knows when you're comfortable
He knows when you're confident
And he
always knows when you have carrots.
~Author Unknown

Friday, April 26, 2013

Launch Your Global Career Before May 5th

Hult International Business School offers scholarship opportunities for chosen MBA candidates. Students are selected based on their abilities to perform in a dynamic classroom environment and for their business leadership potential and are considered upon submission of the online application.

The standard essay length is 500-750 words and in each category (as noted below), you must address 3-4 critical questions.  Creativity is encouraged.
  1. Academic Excellence Scholarship
  2. Global Innovation Scholarship
  3. Global Leadership Scholarship
  4. Global Project Management Scholarship
  5. International Finance Scholarship
  6. Social Entrepreneur Scholarship
  7. Women in Business Scholarship
  8. Your Talent Professinal
As Hult says, "Get plugged in to the world."  More about Hult here

Deadline on scholarship opportunities is May 5, 2013.  Go here to apply.  Good luck! 

Related article:  "How to Get An Education Fit For a Life in Global Trade"

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Rhythm of Africa: Exotic and Bashfully Sexy Tiffany Amber

Iconic African fashion brand, Tiffany Amber has embarked upon it’s global expansion plans with three new retail outlets launching in the second quarter of this year.  The collection will be sold at Italy’s leading department store – la Rinascente.
La Rinascente was the first department store to open in Rome in 1887 and now owns a chain of 11 department stores located in several Italian major cities.  La Rinascente carries the world’s most luxurious brands and has a flagship store in the fashion capital of the world – Milan. 
Learn more here.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Who Are the Mobile Consumers in Our World?

Do you have questions about the mobile consumer in our world?  Our Mobile Planet has answers. Learn about smartphone adoption and usage across 40 countries. Develop your mobile strategy now.

Our Mobile Planet

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Small Business Owners Are Driving Smartphone Domination Globally

A new Cisco Visual Networking Index Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update projects that by the end of this year, there will be more mobile-connected devices than there are people on earth, and by 2017 there will be nearly 1.4 mobile devices per capita.

Who is driving this device domination?  Small business owners.  
According to the survey conducted by eVoice, more than one in three small business owners (36 percent) use three or more mobile devices to run their business. 
Read the entire article hereAre you ready for a mobile world?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Developing and Pricing a New Product for the Global Marketplace

Photo courtesy:  ©2013 Laurel Delaney.  All rights reserved.
Your first step when developing and pricing a new product for overseas should be to check if there is a similar product already on the market and what it is priced at. If there is a similar product, see how your idea can be differentiated and use the competing product’s price point as a starting point for yours.

Here’s what it takes to bring a product to market and how to price it fairly and competitively for the global marketplace.

How to Develop and Price a New Product for the Global Marketplace

Saturday, April 20, 2013

A River Runs Through It: Chicago

Photo courtesy:  ©2013 Laurel Delaney.  All rights reserved.  "Chicago River"
The river that bears the name of a great city, Chicago.

Have a good weekend everyone!

Friday, April 19, 2013

A Leader In Small Business Export Lending: BBCN Bank

SBA has named Los Angeles-based BBCN Bank the SBA Export Lender of the Year for 2013.  Congratulations to BBCN Bank!  BBCN facilitates international trade financing for small businesses, including nearly $13 million in export working capital financed by BBCN in 2012.  They serve a diverse mix of customers that mirror their respective communities, including the largest Korean population concentration outside Korea.

My favorite stat in the article:
Small businesses now constitute 34 percent of total export dollars, and comprise approximately 97.8 percent of all exporters.  
Read the entire announcement here.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Global CEO

Is there such a thing as a global CEO?  That is the question addressed in the following article:

Is There Really Such a Thing as a 'Global CEO'?
The idea of the "global CEO" -- usually understood as chief executives who either come from a country other than where their company is headquartered, or have spent a considerable amount of their careers working "overseas" -- makes sense. Companies require a level of expertise outside their home territories that goes beyond what they have needed in the past.
On behalf of all entrepreneurs and small business owners who conduct business across borders, my answer is:  Yes!  We are global CEOs and do it all:  run a business, take our product or service international and communicate effectively and directly with people from all over the world.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Vision and Direction Equals Global Leadership

I always knew of Margaret Thatcher as the "Iron Lady" but I never realized that her real legacy is globalization.
1925-2013: Former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, the grocer’s daughter whose overpowering personality, bruising political style and free-market views transformed Britain and transfixed America through the 1980s, died April 8 after a stroke, her spokesman said in a statement. She was 87.
Read the entire article about how Margaret Thatcher reshaped the modern British state in ways that reverberate globally even today.

May she RIP.

Thatcher's Real Legacy:  Globalization

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

World: Join Us With Prayers for Boston Explosion Victims

Our thoughts and prayers are with all the people, including their families and friends, who have been impacted by the tragic event that took place during the Boston Marathon.

Blasts Rock Boston Marathon

Monday, April 15, 2013

Nurturing New and Young Global Startups

The Global Entrepreneurship Congress (GEC) is nurturing new and young firms on a global basis -- a much needed support mechanism for the world at large.
This year’s GEC wrapped up a week ago in Rio de Janeiro following an intense week with more than 2,000 people from 130 countries. In the first editions of the annual Congress, participants focused on simply discovering like-minded advocates for new, young firms with growth-potential. Four years later, the GEC has become an established platform for entrepreneurship leaders focused on further refinement of data, ideas and methodologies around the needs of growth entrepreneurs.
Read more about the power of GEC and entrepreneurs here.  Related post:  Launching Your Startup Globally.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

View Of a Ferris Wheel

Photo courtesy:  ©2013 Laurel Delaney.  All rights reserved.  "Navy Pier Chicago Ferris Wheel"
“I see nothing in space as promising as the view from a Ferris wheel.” ~ E.B. White, The Points Of My Compass 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Does Releasing Something Broadly Mean Globally?

Zynga recently rolled out Battlestone, a new mobile arcade action game, in select markets and they claim it won't be long before it's available more broadly.

Does releasing something broadly mean globally?

In Zynga's case:
We’ll have more coming soon as we ready Battlestone for worldwide release. 
Read the entire blog post here.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Jordan Goes Local

While competing against foreign rivals, Jordan is constantly challenged and at the same time concerned over status quo.  In this case, if you can't beat your competitors -- wherever they might be located -- create a new campaign for consumers to buy more locally produced commodities.  And that is exactly what Jordan is doing.
While the government is either unable or unwilling to provide sufficient support and protection to local industries, a citizen solution is now being pushed as an alternative. The Go Local, Support Local campaign, spearheaded by entrepreneur and BeAmman.com co-founder Luma Qaddoumi, aims to influence consumer behavior such that supporting local products becomes a culture.
Read:  The Case for Shopping Local

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Are You Involved in Gray Market Activities Internationally?

Photo courtesy ©2013 Laurel Delaney.  All rights reserved.  "Who Nu cookies"  -- one of my favorites!
What is a gray market activity? It's simple: It's an unofficial but legal import/export activity involving genuine products by intermediaries other than the authorized distributor or agent. From the importer's side, it's known as parallel importing.

Read:  What Is Parallel Importing?

Monday, April 08, 2013

Is Globalization or the Internet Causing Obesity?

According to IESE Insight, obesity is now killing three times the number of people who die from malnutrition, and is the fifth main cause of death in developed economies. 
In the United States, nearly two-thirds of Americans are overweight, and childhood obesity has tripled in a generation. Europeans are getting fatter as well. For the first time in history, there are more overweight than underweight people in the world.  
Companies apparently are churning out too many products high in fat and sugar.  And here I thought it might be the Internet that is causing obesity.  Too many hours spent sitting in front of a computer, smart phone or tablet!  Guess not.

Read:  IESE Insight Globesity:  Is Globalization Causing Obesity? 

Saturday, April 06, 2013

From Study Room to Workout Room

Photo courtesy:  ©2013 Laurel Delaney.  All rights reserved.
Loyola University Chicago campus (Michigan Avenue and Pearson Street) is undergoing a change on part of the third floor from a study room to a workout room.  It's the same floor that is the home of WLUW radio station (you can listen live on the Web), owned and operated by Loyola University Chicago, serving Chicago, Illinois and its northern suburbs.

Have a good weekend.  Back with you on Monday!

Friday, April 05, 2013

U.S. Film Critic With Global Following Dies

Pulitzer Prize-winning movie critic Roger Ebert died Thursday at age 70 from his battle with cancer.

Ebert, born and raised in Champaign-Urbana, wrote for the Chicago Sun-Times for more than 45 years and for more than three decades was the co-host of one of the most powerful programs in television history.

Ebert knew the balcony of life was soon closing for him.  He wrote a final blog post, 'Leave of Presence' just 24-hours before he died.

United States President Barack Obama issued the following statement:
"Movies won't be the same without Roger.  Even amidst his own battles with cancer, Roger was as productive as he was resilient -- continuing to share his passion and perspective with the world."
Ebert was brilliant. He will be missed by many. May he RIP. Our condolences to his family during this very sad time.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Corporate Power-Tool: Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Bring it on:  The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, a US-led free trade agreement currently being negotiated with several Pacific Rim countries (including Peru).  And Nile Bowie has something to say about it.  Read his commentary below.

TPP - Wall Street's Wet Dream and Washington's Answer to its Own Dwindling Economic Performance

About Nile Bowie:
Nile Bowie, Boiling Frogs Post contributing author and analyst, is a political analyst and photographer currently residing in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Bowie grew up in New York City and is the son of two art photographers who established themselves by photographing America’s poor and destitute. Bowie left the United States in his teens to pursue photojournalism and has resettled in South East Asia. As a political analyst, he has explored issues of American foreign policy and its influence on militarism in the Islamic world, China’s emerging role as global power, and inter-Korean stability and security, contributing to outlets such as Russia Today, the New Straits Times, the Asia Times, the Tehran Times, and the Center for Research on Globalization. Visit Nile Bowie’s website here.
Related article on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

•  Next round of TPP negotiations set for Lima, Peru -- May 15-24, 2013

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Growth Markets Are Increasingly Located Outside of the United States

Going Global:
Opportunities for the Atlanta Region

Presentation by Amy Liu

Brookings Institution's Amy Liu, senior fellow and co-director of the Metropolitan Policy Program, leads an introductory meeting for targeted stakeholders to develop and implement an Atlanta Regional Export Plan.

The Global Cities Initiative is a Joint Project of Brookings and JPMorgan Chase.

Go here to view slide show.

One more thing (related) and very good:  A Program to Boost U.S. Exports and Trade Capacity

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Thirty Percent (30%) of UFC Events Held Abroad

Ladies, listen up:  The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) international expansion continues:
Since November 1993, the UFC has held 231 events, 77 of those events were held in Las Vegas, 44 held internationally, and the remaining 110 events across the US. For those fans residing outside of the US, they will be happy to learn that in 2012, approximately 30% of UFC events were held abroad.
Countries the UFC hosted:

England, Japan, Australia, Sweden, Puerto Rico, Canada, Ireland, Germany, United Arab Emirates, and China.

Read the entire article:  Going Global:  UFC expansion continues

Monday, April 01, 2013

The Ins and Outs of Free Trade As It Relates to Surfboards

Is globalization wiping out the American surfboard industry?

Find out here.