Thursday, February 02, 2017

How to Improve Your Reach in the Global Marketplace

If you run a global small business like I do, it's tough to pull out of the area where you live and work to merely have better and greater access to the world marketplace.  Yet bigger companies, with bigger budgets, are able to do so.

Take Caterpillar Inc. with their HQ office located in rural Peoria, Illinois.  There has been a lot of talk lately on whether it might be better suited for Cat to take its business to a bigger city in Illinois, like downtown Chicago.  Here's the latest:
The plans to build a new office complex in Downtown Peoria have been scrapped [1/31/17], and the company will move its global headquarters to the Chicago area by the end of the year. -- Source:  Journal Star
Will Peoria still be the center of the universe for Caterpillar?  After all, they want to remain local and global.  If you are a customer based in India, do you think it makes a difference?  A lot depends on where a specific product is manufactured -- Brazil, the UK or downtown Chicago?  Your guess is as good as mine.

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