Friday, February 22, 2019

Align Your Goals With a Potential Partner Before Going Global

Rhonda Klosler, National chief operating officer at RSM Canada; office managing partner, Toronto, talks about what it takes to incorporate a good new partner that can take you global while still maintaining your identity.
Becoming part of a global firm offers many benefits: access to different talent pools, more opportunities for new business, extra resources and capabilities and, of course, international breadth to clients.
In her case, the Toronto office where she was a managing partner became a part of RSM, a global network of independent audit, tax and consulting firms.

To set up for success, they had to capitalize on their new-found advantages without losing the key differentiators that made their businesses so successful.  Here are three:
  1. Educate employees about "why"
  2. Maintain what makes you special
  3. Seek out relationships across the business
Read the entire article about taking your business global and making sure to tell your employees why.

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