Monday, November 25, 2019

Today in Global Small Business: It Can Take 5 Minutes to Ruin Your Reputation

What's affecting me, my clients, my colleagues and other global small business owners:
  • Google has announced an upgrade to CallJoy, the automated, cloud-based telephone customer service agent first debuted back in May.
  • In international business, recognize that roles must evolve.
  • Quote of the week: “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” Warren Buffett
  • Roku is firmly established in the U.S. and it is also available in seven countries in the Americas, but its international expansion is just beginning – and that's where the company's biggest opportunity lies.
  • The 2019 holiday e-commerce outlook for small businesses.
  • One day, $38 billion in sales.  Who did that?

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